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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 19-08-2021, 01:15 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
ملك الفضائيات
مشرف منتديات فنان سات
الصورة الرمزية ملك الفضائيات

ملك الفضائيات غير متواجد حالياً

ملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond reputeملك الفضائيات has a reputation beyond repute

DThe anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and his family
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للإرتقاء بمنتديات فنان سات ساهم معنا فى نشر الموضوع على الفيس بوك من هنا

The anniversary of the martyrdom of imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and his family, peace be upon him, and his companions, may God be pleased with him, on the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 AH

The story of the martyrdom of the grandson of the Messenger and the master of the youth of the people of Paradise, imam hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon them

anniversary martyrdom Imam Hussein, peace

The Ashura incident, a major epic that took place on the land of Karbala on the tenth day of Muharram in the year 61 AH. A group of martyrs fell in it, led by imam hussein bin Ali with two sons, one of whom is a baby, as well as his brothers and sons of brothers and cousins ​​from Bani Hashem, and a group of his companions, when they decided to stay with hussein and fight the army of Yazid bin Muawiyah led by Omar bin Saad.
And after the battle ended, the women and orphans’ rides were led captives to Kufa and from there to Levant, including imam Zain al-Abidin and Zainab bint Ali, and the heads of the martyrs on spears preceded them.
The Ashura incident is one of the most famous and most exciting tragic accidents in history. Violations and desecration of sanctities took place, and they had wide repercussions and echoes, and art depicted all of this in the form of paintings, films and series, and its plan was the hands of poets, writers and fighters in poetry and prose.
Since ancient times, the Shiites have taken care, at the instigation and interest of the imams of Ahl al-Bayt, to revive this occasion throughout the year, especially during the months of Muharram and Safar.
Among the expressions transmitted from the Noble Prophet regarding the incident: “The killing of Hussain has a heat in the hearts of the believers that will never cool down.”
Ashura word
Ashura: a day named in Islam, and was not known in the pre-Islamic era, and it is the tenth day of Muharram.
After Obaidullah bin Ziyad managed to control Kufa and dominated the military and administrative reality in the country and was able to kill imam hussein and his companions on the tenth day of the month of Muharram; And after the war ended, the women and children took captives to Kufa and imprisoned them there for several days, and after he wrote to Yazid bin Muawiyah informing him of the news of the killing of Al-Hussein, his family and his companions, Yazid wrote to him to bring to him the heads and captives in Syria.
Hence, for the Shiites, this day has turned into a day of grief and solace for the martyrdom of imam Hussein, which is considered the biggest calamity that has befallen the family of the Messenger, so the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt took it as a day of joy for them, and the Shiites took it as a funeral and consolation for the family of the Messenger in which they weep for the dead. In addition to that, the Shiites’ concern for all the facts of that day and the events that preceded it and the events that followed, such as the representation of the bodies of the martyrs, the burning of tents, and the families of women and children.

The events of the tenth night
Before starting the necessary moves and measures on the day of Ashura, the land of Tuff witnessed preparations in the camp of Bani Hashim for the expected confrontation. The sources mentioned that the night of the tenth of Muharram, carried with it distinct positions and contents, including “when hussein (peace be upon him) and his companions rose at night They all pray and seek forgiveness and supplicate and supplicate...", and in another narration he described the camp of imam hussein on that night as "Hussain (peace be upon him) and his companions spent the night on that night, the night of the tenth of Muharram, and they sounded like the sound of bees, between kneeling and prostrating, and standing and sitting." .
and other similar events. This night was also marked by special features, including:
Military preparations such as inspecting the truce and punishment, the order to dig a trench around the tents, and to throw fire in it, and the order for some of them to bring their tents close to each other and to enter the trenches into one another and such matters.
Emphasis on the Imam’s supporters on the pledge of allegiance and fulfillment of the covenant
And the dialogue of imam hussein with Lady Zainab, after imam hussein (peace be upon him) finished surveying al-Tila’ and al-Rawabi, until he entered Zainab’s tent, so she (peace be upon him) asked him if he had asked his companions about their intentions, and she was afraid that they would hand him over (peace be upon him) in distress? He replied, "By God, I have wobbled them, and I found in them none but the bald and wimpy, who were comforted by death, without me for the child to go to his mother's gallbladder."
Another situation occurred between Al-Hussein and his sister at his son Al-Sajjad (peace be upon him) on that night while she was nursing him. When she learned from him that martyrdom is inevitable and that the hour of departure has come, she wept, so Al-Hussein comforted her and advised her to be patient.
and write messages
After the imam (peace be upon him) finished these tasks, he began to write a set of letters he wrote to certain persons and destinations, and as the enemy had surrounded him from all sides, he placed them with imam al-Sajjad, Sayyida Zainab and his daughter Fatima to deliver them after the end of the war.
The facts of the morning of the tenth of Muharram
The movement of the imam began on the morning of the tenth of Muharram with the establishment of the morning prayer in congregation. Then he organized the ranks of his forces, and they were thirty-two knights and forty men. So he put Zuhair bin al-Qain on his right, and Habib bin Mazahir on his left, and gave the flag to his brother, al-Abbas bin Ali. He ordered his companions to bring their tents close to each other, and to enter the poles into one another, and to be between the houses, so that they would receive the people from one side. And he commanded that reeds and wood were brought to a place behind them low as if it were a waterwheel, and they dug it in an hour of the night, and it became like a trench, then they threw that reed and wood in it, and said: “If they go out in the morning, fight us, we will set fire to it lest they come to us from behind us.” So they did.
On the other hand, Omar bin Saad advanced to lead his army, which numbered according to the famous four thousand fighters, for the morning prayer. Omar bin Saad placed Amr bin Al-Hajjaj Al-Zubaidi on his right and on his flank, Hashmar bin Dhi Al-Jawshan Al-Dhabi, and on the horse Ezra bin Qais Al-Ahmsi, and on the men Shabth bin Rabi’i Al-Riyahi.
Omar bin Saad also placed Abdullah bin Zuhair Al-Azdi on a quarter of the people of Medina, on the quarter of Rabi’ah and Kinda Qais bin Al-Ash’ath bin Qais, on the quarter of Madhhaj and Asad Abdul Rahman bin Abi Sabrah Al-Ja’fi, on the quarter of Tamim and Hamadan Al-Hurr bin Yazid Al-Riyahi, and gave the flag to Duraid his master. And he prepared to fight Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein and his companions.
When he saw imam hussein - as in the novel - to the army raised his hands Balapthal to God, saying: «Oh God, you are my confidence in all distress, and you hope all the intensity, and you me every order came down my confidence and several, how many of them which weakens the heart and less than the The trick, and let down the friend and the enemy gloats, inflicted your Hkute to you, to you who desire me except you, Vfaragth me and revealed, you are gone all the grace, and the owner of all the good and the ultimate desire of all ».
At that time, Omar bin Saad sent men undermining the tents from their faith and their lefts to surround them. He said: So the three and four companions of Al-Hussein entered the houses and swarmed the man while he was undermining and looting.
The speech of imam hussein and his companions
Before the war broke out between the two parties, the imam decided to cast the argument against the army of Omar bin Saad, so he mounted his horse and advanced towards the people with a group of his companions, and in his hands was Burir bin Khudair. Muhammad has become among you, these are his offspring, his family, his daughters and his sanctuary, so bring what you have and what do you want to do with them? So the people threw arrows at him, so Barir went back behind him. Al-Hussein advanced until he stood in front of the people, so he looked at their rows as if they were a torrent, and looked at Ibn Saad standing in the cliffs of Kufa, and said: “Praise be to God who created the world and made it a home of annihilation and demise, disposing of its people right after case...” Then Shammar came and said: “ Hussain, what are you saying? Understand us so that we understand.” He said: I say:
“Fear God, your Lord, and do not kill me, for it is not lawful for you to kill me, nor to violate my sanctity, for I am the son of the daughter of your Prophet and my grandmother Khadija, the wife of your Prophet.
Al-Mufid said: “Hussain called for his mount, so he rode it and called out with the loudest voice: O people of Iraq - most of them hear - and he said: O people, listen to what I say and do not hurry until I preach to you what you have rights over me, and until I excuse you, if you give me half, you will be happier with that, and if you do not give me half. From yourselves, then gather your opinion, then your affair will not be a burden to you, then judge me and do not look at me. My guardian is God who sent down the Book, and He takes care of the righteous. Then he praised and praised God…”
Then he said: “After they leave me, then see who I am, then review yourselves and reprimand them, then see if it is right for you to kill me and violate my sanctity? Am I not the son of the “daughter” of your Prophet, the son of his successor and his cousin, and the first believer to believe in the Messenger of God with what he brought from his Lord? Or is not Hamza the master of martyrs, my uncle? Or is not Jaafar al-Tayyar in heaven with the wings of my uncle? Did you not hear what the Messenger of God said to me and my brother: These are the two masters of the youth of Paradise? If you believe me in what I say, and it is the truth, by God, I have not deliberately lied since I knew that God hates him and his family, and if you lie to me, then there are among you who if you ask him about that, I will tell you. Bin Malik tell you that they heard this article from the Messenger of God for me and my brother...” Then he called: “O Shabath bin Rabi’, O Hajjar bin Abjar, O Qais bin Al-Ash’ath, and O Yazid bin Al-Harith, did you not write to me that the fruits have ripened, and the janaabah is green? But you will come before a female soldier for you?” Qais bin Al-Ash’ath said to him: “We don’t know what you are saying, but it has been revealed to the ruling of your cousins, for they will not show you except what you love.” Al-Hussain said to them: “No, by God, I do not give you by my hand the giving of the servile, and I do not give you the approval of the slaves.”
Then Zuhair bin al-Qain went ahead and addressed the Kufics by saying: “O people of Kufa, a warning to you of God’s punishment is a warning. It is incumbent upon a Muslim to advise his Muslim brother, and until now we are brothers on the same religion and sect of unity as long as the sword does not fall between us and you, and you are for advice from us. The sword has cut off infallibility and we were a nation and you are a nation, God has tested us and you with the offspring of His Prophet Muhammad to see what we and you are doing.”
Al-Shammar shot him with an arrow, and said to him: “Shut up, God has silenced your sleep, for you have made us “bored” with your many words.” Before that, he had responded to imam Hussein’s speech.
Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) is prevented from starting the fight
When the people, led by Shimr ibn Dhi al-Jushan, came walking around the tents and saw the trench in their backs and the fire burning in the wood and reeds in which it was thrown. Throw him, for I hate to start a fight with them.”
Shammar's rush to war
After the campaign of Amr bin Al-Hajjaj on the camp of Al-Hussain ended, Shammar bin Dhi Al-Jushan carried on the fray to the people of the facilitation, so they proved to him, so they attacked him and his companions. And there was no one in the Kufa army who was less eager and eager for war than Shimr ibn Dhi al-Jushan, to the extent that he did not take into account the ethics of war and almost killed women in front of the imam until some of the leaders of Ibn Ziyad’s army reprimanded him by saying: “Are you terrifying for women, O Shammar?!”
grand campaign
Before the demise of the tenth of Muharram, the army of Ibn Ziyad attacked Al-Hussain and his companions from all sides. The companions of Al-Hussain fought them fiercely. Ezra bin Qais - while he was on the horses of the people of Kufa - that his horses were exposed from all sides, he sent to Omar bin Saad with Abdul Rahman bin Hisn, and he said: “Do you not see what my horses have received since today from this little kit! I will send to them men and archers.” So Omar bin Saad called Al-Husayn bin Tamim, and he sent with him the dried up "a group of the army carrying shields or large barricades" and five hundred rams. The three and four companions of imam Husayn spread among the tents to defend them and prevent those who wanted to approach them and loot them, and they were able to kill some and wound others. His companions attacked the camp, so Zuhair bin al-Qain confronted him with ten men from the companions of al-Husayn and exposed them to the houses.
The fighting and strife intensified, and there were many dead and wounded among the companions of Abu Abdullah al-Husayn until the sun had set. In this pregnancy, in addition to Muslim bin Awsja, all of Abdullah bin Omair Al-Kalbi were martyred in the starboard of the Imam’s army at the hands of Hani bin Thabet Al-Hadhrami and Bakir bin Hay Al-Tamimi. Amr bin Khalid Al-Sidawi, Jaber bin Al-Harith Al-Salmani, Saad Ghulam Amr bin Khalid, Majma` bin Abdullah Al-A’idhi and his son A’idh bin Mujamma’ fell when the enemy was dueling. A group of Imam's supporters fell, and some historical sources brought them to fifty martyrs.
See: Abdullah bin Omair Al-Kalbi, Amr bin Khalid Al-Sidawi, Jaber bin Harith Al-Salmani, Saad Ghulam Amr bin Khaled, Majma` bin Abdullah Al-A’idh, and A’idh bin Majma`.
The facts of the afternoon of the tenth of Muharram
The fighting between the two sides continued until the sun passed and the time for prayer arrived. When Abu Thumama Al-Sidawi saw this, he said to Al-Hussain: “Oh, Abu Abdullah, I will sacrifice for you. his head towards the sky.” And he said: “I mentioned prayer. The prayer is accepted, I claimed from the son of the Messenger of God, and it is accepted from you, donkey.” “And in one narration, O Khattar, I mean, O treacherous one, and in a third narration, O immoral one.” So Al-Husayn bin Numayr was accused of it and Habib was blamed on him. Habib was still fighting until a man from Bani Tamim called Badil bin Sarim attacked him with his spear and he fell and went to get up. Al-Husayn bin Nameer hit him on the head with the sword and he fell.
The imam came forward with the rest of his companions, and they were twenty men lined up to pray behind him. When he wanted to pray, he said to Zuhair bin al-Qain and Saeed bin Abdullah al-Hanafi: “They came in front of me until I pray the noon prayer, so they came in front of him with about half of his companions until he prayed the fear prayer with them.” It was narrated that Saeed bin Abdullah al-Hanafi He advanced in front of Al-Hussain and targeted them. They threw arrows at him. Whenever Al-Hussain took right and left, he stood in front of him, and he kept throwing him until he fell as a martyr.
After the imam completed his prayer, Saeed bin Abdullah was martyred as a result of his wounds. Then Zuhair bin Al-Qain, Barir bin Khudair Al-Hamdani, Nafi bin Hilal Al-Jamli, Abes bin Abi Shabib Al-Shakri, Handala bin Saad Al-Shabami emerged and were martyred one by one.
See: Saeed bin Abdullah, Zuhair bin al-Qain, Barir bin Khudair al-Hamdani, Nafeh bin Hilal al-Jamali, Abes bin Abi Shabib al-Shakri, and Hanzala bin Saad al-Shabami.

Muharram, the martyrdom of imam Hussain

The facts of the afternoon of Ashura
Banu Hashim advance to death
Historical sources record for us that when the companions of imam al-Husayn were martyred, Banu Hashim took to the battlefield, and he was the first to ask to go to war, Ali ibn al-Husayn, known as Ali al-Akbar. And logically with your Messenger.”
After Ali al-Akbar was martyred, the rest of the brothers of imam Abdullah, Othman and Jaafar came before al-Abbas until they were all martyred. Then Saer Bani Hashim came out one after the other, including the sons of Aqil bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel in addition to the sons of Jaafar bin Abi Talib, Uday bin Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Tayyar in addition to the sons of imam Hassan such as Al-Qasim bin Al-Hassan and his brother Abu Bakr, so they all fell martyrs one by one. the other.

Muharram, the martyrdom of imam Hussain

See: Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqeel, Abdul Rahman bin Aqeel, Al-Qasim bin Al-Hassan, Uday bin Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Tayyar, Abu Bakr bin Hassan, Abdullah bin Ali, Othman bin Ali, and Jafar bin Ali. Abu Al-Fadl Al-Abbas was the owner of the banner of the imam He was able to break the siege imposed on the tents and storm the Euphrates, but he was martyred on his way back and before reaching the water to the children.
Imam al-Sajjad's (peace be upon him) insistence on going to war
And when al-Husayn was afflicted with his family, his son and his companions, and he saw all his companions slaughtered on the ground, and no one else was left except the women and the offspring, he called out: “Is anyone who melts defending the sanctuary of the Messenger of God? Is there a monotheist who fears God in us? Is there anyone who seeks help from God for our relief?”
Then he turned to his companions, calling: “O Habib bin Mazahir, O Zuhair bin Al-Qain, O Muslim bin Awsja, O heroes of Safa, and O Knights of Al-Hayja, why am I calling you, so do not answer me, and I call you, so do not listen to me?!” Are you asleep, please take notice? Or if your affection for your imam does not help him? These are the wives of the Messenger, because of your loss, they have become sluggish, so get up from your sleep, dear ones, and defend the sanctuary of the Messenger, the ignoble tyrants....”
Ali ibn al-Husayn Zain al-Abidin went out, and he was sick and could not wield his sword, and Umm Kulthum was calling behind him: O son, go back. .
Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, prepares for war
When the imam decided to go down to the battle, he came to the camp and gathered his sisters, daughters and children, bid farewell to them and commanded them to keep quiet. lest he be deprived of it. When he was killed, they stripped him of it and left him naked on the ground. Then, when he saw his infant Abdullah, his infant son, relieving himself of thirst, he brought him - according to some of the fighters - to the people asking for water for him, and said: “If you do not have mercy on me, then have mercy on this child.” So the soldiers disagreed among themselves, so Harmala bin Kahil al-Sahm aimed at him while he was in a stone His father Vzabhth from vein to vein.

Muharram, the martyrdom of imam Hussain

Fighting hussein (peace be upon him) in the era of Ashura
After imam Al-Hussein remained alone, he resolved to fight the people, but they refrained from confronting him despite his wounds, but they prevented him from reaching the legislature, so an arrow hit him in the palate.[57] Despite the wounds and pain he sustained, he fought the people valiantly.[58] ] Humaid bin Muslim described it by saying: “By God, I have never seen a broken man, his son, his family, and his companions being killed.

Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) prays Dhuhr
Ibn Tawus said: “He was carried among them, and they had completed thirty thousand, and they were defeated in his hands as if they were locusts scattered, then he returned to his position saying: There is neither might nor strength except with God.”
Then he bid farewell to his family a second time and ordered them to be patient and to put on the men’s clothing, and said: “Get ready for calamity, and know that God is your protector and preserver, and He will save you from the evil of the enemies and make the outcome of your affair to good…” Then he bid farewell to the women, saying: “Oh Sakina, O Fatimah, O Zainab, O Umm Kulthum, may peace be upon you.” Then he entered his son's tent, al-Sajjad, to bid him farewell.
And when he was busy bidding farewell to his family, Omar bin Saad shouted: “Wake up against him as long as he is busy with himself and his sanctuary, so they attacked him, throwing arrows at him, until the arrows crossed between the beams of the camp, and the arrows of some of the women’s rice were about to come, and they were astonished and terrified and shouted and entered the tent.”
Martyrdom of imam Hussein, peace be upon him
Then imam al-Husayn took for him a position from which to fight the people and return to him, and when he returned to his position, he would say a lot, “There is no might nor power except with God the Great” to inform the women of his survival. When Al-Shammar saw this, he was between him and his family, so Al-Hussein shouted to them: “And judge if you have no religion and you do not fear the return, then be free in your world, and return to your accounts if you are Arabs.”
The people surrounded him, led by Shimr ibn Dhi al-Jushan, but they refrained from confronting him, and al-Shammar urged them to do so. Al-Shimmar ordered the archers, so the imam retreated back, covered with wounds and arrows, and they surrounded him in a row.
It was said that a man from Canada hit him on the head. And they said: “He stood resting for an hour and was weak from fighting, so while he was standing, a stone came to him and fell on his forehead, so he took the robe to wipe the blood from his face, and a specific poisoned arrow came to him with three strands, and the arrow fell in his chest - and in some narrations: on his heart.”
It was narrated that when he stopped fighting, he stopped, and whenever a man came to him and turned to him, he turned away from him until a man from Kinda came to him called Malik bin Al-Yusr. On his holy shoulder with the sword, Sinan bin Anas al-Nakh’i stabbed him in the collarbone, then Sinan also threw an arrow at him, and the arrow fell into his throat.
In that case, while he was freeing himself and the enemy surrounded him, Abdullah bin Al-Hassan bin Ali, a young boy who did not get tired of the women, got tougher until he stood next to Al-Hussain, so Zainab bint Ali followed him to imprison him, but he refused and refrained greatly. Ibn Ka’b, and Harmala Ibn Kahil al-Asadi was said to have sent the sword to al-Husayn.” The boy said to him: “Woe to you, O son of al-Khabaithah! So he struck him with the sword, so the boy stabbed it with his hand, so he cut it - that is, cut it - to the skin, and then it was hanging... Harmala bin Kahil threw an arrow at him, so he slaughtered it while he was in the lap of his uncle Al-Hussein.
Then Al-Shammar came with a group of Omar bin Saad’s army, including Abu Al-Janoub, Abdul Rahman bin Ziyad, Qasha’am bin Amr bin Yazid, Saleh bin Wahb Al-Yazni, Sinan bin Anas Al-Nakh’i, and Khawli bin Yazid Al-Asbahi, urging them to kill Al-Hussain. None of them complied, and Shammar shouted, "What are you waiting for in the man?" Then he ordered Khawli bin Yazid Al-Asbahi to shave his head, so he went down to shave his head, but he trembled and refused to do so. Shimr said: “God made you tremble, why do you tremble?” Shammar went down, and it was said, Sinan bin Anas, and cut off the head of the imam and handed it to Khouli. Then they stripped the imam of his clothes and left him naked.
Horses tread the body of Hussein
Then Umar bin Saad called to his companions who were assigned to Hussein, and the horse would trample his back and chest, so ten of them were delegated, and they are:
Ishaq bin Hurriyah, who robbed Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) his shirt.
Akhnas bin Murthad
and Hakim bin Tufail As-Sanbisi
Omar bin Subaih Al-Sedawi
And please bin Munqith Al-Abdi
And Salem bin Khuthaima Al-Jaafi
And notice Ben Naem
Saleh bin Wahb Al-Jaafi
And Hani bin Shabth Al-Hadrami
And Usaid bin Malik
They trampled al-Husayn with the hooves of their horses until they touched his chest and back.
Martyrs beheaded
After the heads were cut off, Amr bin Saad sent on the same day the head of hussein to Ubaid Allah bin Ziyad with Khawli bin Yazid Al-Asbahi and Hamid bin Muslim Al-Azdi. Qais bin Al-Ash’ath and Amr bin Al-Hajjaj.
Post-battle incidents
looting tents
After killing the imam by robbing him and bruising his pure body with the hooves of the horses, Banu Umayyah, the enemies of God and His Messenger, were not satisfied. They also went beyond the limit and ransacked the camp and plundered the horses, camels and goods in it, and violated the veils of the Messenger of God by plundering what was on them of the jewelry and veils in a tragic way. Every dad is jealous. And they were racing to loot the houses of the Prophet.
Shammar went to the tents with a group of his army for the purpose of killing imam al-Sajjad, so Sayyida Zainab confronted him and prevented him from that.
Then Omar bin Saad ordered the children and children to be gathered in one tent and ordered to guard them.
Battle survivors
History has recorded for us several names whose companions managed to survive the battle: Al-Dahhak bin Abdullah Al-Mashreqi, who left the battle along with Ghulam Abdul-Rahman bin Abd Rabbo Al-Ansari after Al-Hussein was left alone; Among them is Murqa’ bin Thumama al-Asadi, who was driven by Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad, who was driven away by him. Among them is Uqbah bin Samaan, the servant of Rabab, Hussain's husband, who was interceded by Amr bin Saad because he was a slave.
The captivity of the Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) family
Then Amr bin Saad ordered the captivity of the family of imam Hussain, including imam al-Sajjad, who was seriously ill during the battle, so he sent them to Ibn Ziyad in Kufa, and from Kufa they were sent to the Levant, so they entered the palace of Yazid bin Muawiyah, on whom be the curse of God.


فنان سات , جامعة الفضائيات العربية , اكبر منتدى فضائي , اقوى سيرفر شيرنج ,كروت ستالايت , خدمات مجانية , قنوات فضائية , ترددات حديثة ,سيرفرات مجانيه.

The anniversary of the martyrdom Imam Hussein< peace be upon him< and his family hussein imam martyrdom

آخر تعديل ملك الفضائيات يوم 19-08-2021 في 01:20 PM.
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